Load or Import Data

Your application can load or import data in a variety of formats, including Datamine's proprietary ".dm" format. Imported and loaded data are shown in the Project Files control bar.

There are advantages to using Datamine files, particularly for block models where an 'on-disk' mechanism allows data to be partly loaded and processed without straining your system. Datamine files can also be specified when running processes.

Data can also be loaded by other methods, including automatically as part of a managed process. You can find out more about this in the corresponding help files.

Note: You can also reload and refresh data.

To load a Datamine file (drag and drop method):

The quickest way to load a Datamine file is to drag and drop it into a 3D window:

  1. Locate the file (or files) you wish to load using your operating system's browser.

  2. Left-click or tap and drag selected file(s) into any 3D window.

    You can load 3D and non-visual files in this way. 3D data is displayed (if the 3D view settings permit it) in all available 3D windows using default formatting.

    Data is loaded and file references are added to the project.

  3. Save your project.

To load a Datamine file (menu method):

You can also load .dm files using the menu system. Only one file at a time can be loaded using this method.

  1. Activate the Data ribbon and expand the Datamine menu.

  2. Select the data type you wish to load.

  3. Using the file browser, locate and Open your file.

    The target file is loaded.

  4. Save your project.

To import a file (any format) and load it into memory:

All file formats, including Datamine files, can be imported using Data Source Drivers:

  1. Activate the Data ribbon and expand the External menu.

  2. Use the Data Import dialog to pick a Driver Category and Data Type.

    You can view driver-related information by clicking Driver Help after selecting a category.

  3. Complete the import details as shown in the dialogs that follow. These are driver-specific and you can find out more about them by pressing <F1> as each dialog is displayed. Typically, you specify:

    • Attribute fields to import.

    • Driver-specific details, such as a LAYER field for CAD data, for example.

    • For ASCII text imports, if a header row exists, or if data is delimited.

  4. Once import details are completed, data is loaded into memory. If the data contains 3D geometry, a default overlay is created and displayed in 3D windows.

  5. Save your project.

To import a file (any format) and add it to the project without loading:

You can also import data purely to add a project file reference. If you don't need to use your imported data right away, or if the file is large, this can be useful option.

  1. Activate the Data ribbon and select Convert >> Import to Project.

  2. Use the Data Import dialog to pick a Driver Category and Data Type.

    You can view driver-related information by clicking Driver Help after selecting a category.

  3. Complete the import details as shown in the dialogs that follow. These are driver-specific and you can find out more about them by pressing <F1> as each dialog is displayed. Typically, you specify:

    • Attribute fields to import.

    • Driver-specific details, such as a LAYER field for CAD data, for example.

    • For ASCII text imports, if a header row exists, or if data is delimited.

  4. Once import dialogs have been completed, a file reference is added to your project. You can see this reference in the Project Files control bar. Data is not loaded into memory.

  5. Save your project.

To filter Datamine (.dm) data during loading or importing

You may not want all of your data file to be loaded. Studio applications allow you to specify a filter during import or loading, to extract only the relevant data items. This can help to reduce RAM usage and improve system performance.

  1. Hold down <CTRL>.

  2. Drag and drop a file or files from either the Project Files control bar or your operating system into a 3D window.

  3. In the Datamine Data Import dialog, select the Data Fields you wish to import.

  4. Some data types require specific field mapping to import correctly. This can be Coordinate Fields or Control Fields and are specific to each data type. Automatic mapping is performed if possible.

  5. If you want to use a Filter expression to further refine your import, add one. Filtering data can ensure you only import the data you need.

  6. Click OK to load your data into memory.

  7. Save your project.

Related Information and Activities